Tender, hearty and rich, my ‘Polpette’ di Lenticchie (or Lentil ‘Meatballs’) was really born out of the eager requisite of youth. When first living on my own, fresh (drop) out of college, with very little money to spend on food, I took advantage of ever sale my local market had on canned beans. Along with buying pastas, rice, jarred sauces and, yes, even store bought grated cheese, I would experiment with meatless alternatives to beef recipes simply using my lovely legumes housed-in-tin; with the goal ultimately to make spaghetti and meatballs without meat. Success did prove early, fortunately, and in that time since, this recipe hasn’t strayed from its can-driven past. And, per usual, I make no apologies. If it ain’t broke…
PREP/COOK TIME: About 45 Minutes
Makes 12 – 15 ‘Meatballs’
2 (15 Oz) Cans – Lentils, Drained and Rinsed
1 (13.25 Oz) Can – Mushrooms (Stems and Pieces), Drained and Rinsed
½ Cup – Carrots, Freshly Shredded (Not Pre-Shredded)
½ Cup – Zucchini, Shredded
1 Tbs – Garlic, Peeled and Minced
1 ½ Tsp – Coarse Black Pepper
2 Cups – Italian Style Bread Crumbs
1 Cup – Kraft 100% Parmesan & Romano Grated Cheese
½ Cup – All Purpose Flour
¾ Cup – Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Jarred Tomato and Basil Sauce, Heated
In a large bowl, combine all ingredients, except flour, using your hands, till completely blended; forming a firm but springy mixture. (NOTE: This is a freeform recipe, meaning, depending on the moisture of the vegetables, you may have to add more, or less, cheese or bread crumbs.) Shape mixture into 1 ½” balls and dredge in flour.
In a large skillet, or non-stick pan, warm oil at medium high heat. Fry ‘meatballs’ for 2 – 3 minutes before turning. Cook on each side for about 2- 3 minutes, or until golden brown. Transfer ‘meatballs’ to a tray lined with paper towels to drain oily excess.
Carefully remove oil from pan to a small bowl; cool before disposing. Wipe inside of pan with paper towels and return to stove. Pour in half a jar of sauce and 1 cup of water to pan; stir and bring to a simmer at medium high heat.
Add ‘meatballs’ to sauce; stir to combine. Simmer for about another 2 – 3 minutes and serve atop prepared spaghetti or alongside a simple greens salad with lemony vinaigrette.
Garnish with grated cheese and fresh herbs.
NOVEMBER 26, 2018