It's happened to us all; found a bottle of liqueur that literally leaves us wondering the 'wheres?' and the 'whys?' of its origin to how it got in our possession in the first place. Mine? Chambord. First off, it tastes like cough medicine. Had to be a gift. So, what to do?! Create a polarizing holiday cocktail that amps the medicinal aspects of this black raspberry elixir, using strong minty and citrus notes and, of course, vodka (french vanilla to be exact) that's what I would do...and have done with my Robiblaque Spritzer.

PREP/MIX TIME: 5 Minutes
Makes 1 Serving
1 Tsp – Granulated Sugar
1 Tbs – Fresh Lime Juice
1 Oz – Chambord
1 Oz – Cointreau
2 Oz – Stoli Vanil
4 or 5 – Frozen Black Raspberries
1 (2 Ltr) Bottle – Lime Flavored Seltzer or Sprite Soda
Torn Sprigs of Fresh Mint for Garnish
In a mixing glass, add sugar and Juice; stir till blended. Fill mixing glass with ice, combine Chambord, Cointreau and Stoli Vanil. Stir till finger-numbingly cold (approximately 50 seconds). Pour into a chilled cocktail glass with frozen black raspberries. (Because why use those blasted ice cubes if they're only going to water-down a drink as they dissolve?) Top off with Seltzer or Sprite. Garnish fresh mint and enjoy.
DECEMBER 1, 2018