I’m almost certain my One Hour Sweet Hots will be frowned upon by pickling purists, but, I take no measures in seeking approval if they don’t. I love them! Just the satisfaction of combining a few ingredients in a jar to make a cucumis sativus burst with sweet heat in just an hour is all too rewarding as it is also very, very delicious.
PREP/COOK TIME: 1 Hour 15 Minutes
Yields About 8 – 10 Servings
1 – English Cucumber, Sliced About a ¼” Thick
1 – Red Onion, Quartered, Sliced (You’ll Only Be Using One Quarter for This Recipe)
3/8 Cup (¼ Cup and 2 Tbs) – Distilled White Vinegar
2 Cups – Purified Water
3/8 Cup – Granulated Sugar
1 Tbs – Clover Honey
1 Tbs – Black Peppercorns
1 ½ Tsp – Crushed Red Pepper
1 Tsp – Kosher Salt
In a sanitized 16 Oz Mason jar, add cucumbers and onions; leaving enough room for brining ingredients. Add in sugar, peppercorns, crushed red pepper, salt and honey; finish with vinegar and water (you won’t be using all the water, just enough to cover cucumbers.) Seal tightly with lid and with vim and vigor shake jar for approximately 1 minute or till sugar and salt dissolves. Place pickles preferably near a window or a warm spot in the kitchen; leave untouched for approximately 1 hour. Serve with sandwiches, burgers, fry them up even, or add them to scrumptiously simple Shredded Chicken Sliders; doused in a heavenly white BBQ sauce using pickling liquid from the Sweet Hots. (Click here for recipe.)
NOTE: Sweet Hots should last in the fridge at least 2 months in their jar. They will lose their crunch over that time, however, become even more flavorful.
NOVEMBER 27, 2018